Stepping Outside My Uncomfortable Comfort Zone

Life often presents us with a cozy little bubble where we feel safe and secure. This is our comfort zone—a place where we know what to expect and how to navigate our daily routines. While it feels good to stay within those familiar boundaries, real growth happens when we venture beyond them.

Making the leap from a stable corporate job to pursuing a passion for holistic leadership and mindset coaching has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life. It is a journey marked by courage, self-discovery, and a commitment to personal growth.

The Comfort of the Known

For years, I thrived in the corporate world as a program/project management consultant. The structure, routine, and predictability offered a sense of security. I built a professional identity that was respected and well-defined. Yet, beneath that comfortable exterior, a quiet discontent began to simmer. I craved deeper connections, meaningful work, and a sense of purpose that felt increasingly out of reach in my corporate role.

The Call to Change

After eight years of encouragement from a dear friend and finally taking the leap to pursue International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited training, I discovered a passion that resonated deeply within me. I realized that true leadership is about more than just titles or positions; it’s about inspiring and empowering others to reach their full potential. This realization sparked a fire within me, igniting the desire to make a significant shift in my career. But with that desire came fear—the fear of leaving the safety of the corporate world for the uncertainty of entrepreneurship.

Embracing Discomfort

Making the decision to leave my corporate job was anything but easy. Here’s how I navigated the discomfort of this journey:

  1. Identifying My Why: I took time to reflect on my motivations. What drove my desire to become a coach? Understanding my purpose helped clarify my vision and fueled my determination.

  2. Educating Myself: I enrolled in training and certification programs focused on Presence Based Coaching and Mindset Coaching.  Gaining knowledge has not only equipped me with essential skills, but also boosted my confidence in pursuing this new direction.

  3. Building a Support Network: I reached out to mentors and fellow coaches who had successfully navigated similar transitions. Their insights and encouragement constantly remind me that I am not alone in this journey.

  4. Creating a Transition Plan: Instead of making an abrupt leap, I developed a gradual exit strategy. I began coaching part-time while still working in corporate, allowing me to build my client base and gain experience without the immediate pressure of leaving my job.

Facing the Fear

Leaving the corporate world meant confronting various fears—financial instability, self-doubt, and the unknown. I learned to embrace these feelings as part of the process. Each fear I faced became an opportunity for growth, and I practiced self-compassion along the way. I reminded myself that stepping outside my comfort zone was a courageous move, essential for my personal and professional development.

The Joy of New Beginnings

Transitioning into my coaching business has brought a mix of excitement and apprehension. Each coaching session reinforces my belief in the power of mindset and holistic approaches to leadership. Witnessing my clients’ transformations has become a profound source of joy and fulfillment. I feel more aligned with my purpose than ever before.

Celebrating Progress

As I reflect on this journey, I am recognizing the growth I am experiencing. Each challenge faced has strengthened my resolve and deepened my understanding of what it means to be a leader. I celebrate not just my successes, but also the courage it took to step outside my comfort zone.


Leaving my corporate job to pursue holistic leadership and mindset coaching was one of the most challenging yet rewarding decisions I have ever made. This journey has taught me that true growth lies beyond the familiar. If you are feeling the pull to make a change, I encourage you to embrace the discomfort. It might just lead you to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. Remember, the journey is as important as the destination—so take that first step!


Mindset In Leadership